
Do You Suffer From Chronic Hives?

July 26, 2009 by admin · Leave a Comment 

Chronic hives are a form of urticaria that keep appearing or just won’t seem to go away. They can be caused by an allergic reaction to something you’ve put into your body or on your body. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out exactly what are causing those hives though.

It’s thought that normally these chronic hives will only be caused by some medicine or food you’ve ingested. Or maybe even the immune system over reacting to flu or some infection you’ve gone through. They will disappear at times just as quickly as they have appeared, and are not normally the type of reaction you will get from soaps.

Doctors who feel it may be a medicine you’re taking will normally discontinue your use of that medicine. Foods that may be causing hives should be avoided. However, if the hives continue to appear, your cause will be less likely to have been from food. It’s at this point where a doctor may want to test your immune system to make sure it’s reacting properly.

It’s not out of the question that you could be getting developing skin hives as part of an infection you may not even realize you have. Though it will be tough to control, you need to avoid iching the hives, or they will get worse. In certain cases of chronic hives, food may help to make the hives worse but not be the main cause of the problem.

Treating chronic hives will usually require an antihistamine. Your doctor will decide which type and whether it’s over the counter or a prescription. But you can seek some extra relief by using OTC creams without a prescription. You may even prefer to find relief from a natural, homeopathic hives remedy.

Finally, don’t hesitate to seek treatment if you suffer from chronic hives. Try to keep itching at bay by using creams or natural remedies designed to offer relief.

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Treat Hives The Right Way

July 22, 2009 by admin · Leave a Comment 

While hives are almost always extremely itchy and irritating, they are not usually dangerous to your health (with the exception of serious bee and other insect stings which can end up becoming medical emergencies). Normally, you can treat hives with relative ease if you can determine what caused them to appear on your body. Hives usually last anywhere from several minutes to several days and are described as white and red welts on the skin’s surface.

The body releases histamines to battle substances it considers dangerous to its health. When excessive histamines build up in a certain area of the body, hives will begin developing on part of your skin. Each person is different in regards to what substances will trigger their body to release histamines, though among the most popular irritants are animal dander, insect bites, pollen from plants and flowers, penicillin, aspirin, and foods like shellfish and nuts.

The known symptoms of hives consist of a high density of red and/or white bumps in one area of the body causing the skin to feel hot and itchy. The hives can appear or disappear without warning whether mild or severe.

Hives are rarely serious enough to seek medical treatment, though a case lasting a significant period of time would warrant a trip to the clinic. A doctor will review your medical history for any indication of possible allergies and will likely ask what types of irritants you have been exposed to in recent days. The ability to narrow down the possible causes will generally lead to the prescription of a medicine (like an antihistamine) to help treat the hives. In many cases, the details are so obscure in relation to the number of possible triggers that it is impossible to find and prevent what has caused the breakout.

In the event that you experience shortness of breath, abdominal cramping, fever or nausea along with hives, you must seek medical attention immediately as you could be experiencing anaphylactic shock.

Natural Ways To Treat Hives

Natural aromatherapy oils are one way to relieve the itching associated with hives. A drop of German chamomile oil massaged into the skin is a popular aromatherapy method for treating hives.

Ayurvedic practitioners claim hives are developed as a result of excessive heat within the body. They recommend consuming foods that cool the body such as watermelon, coriander milk, and cilantro.

You may also want to consider a homeopathic remedy to treat your hives such as all-natural OxyHives. Click here to learn more about this easy to use treatment.

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